Doubles Tennis Rules & Tips 2023 – How to Dominate the Court

If you’re new to tennis, or even if you’ve been playing for a while, doubles tennis can be an exciting and challenging way to enjoy the sport. Doubles tennis is played with two players on each side of the court, making for a fast-paced and strategic game. In this blog post, we’ll take a look at the rules of doubles tennis, as well as some tips to help you improve your game.

Rules of the Game

The rules of doubles tennis are largely the same as those of singles tennis, but there are a few key differences to be aware of.

Court Dimensions

doubles tennis court dimensions

The court dimensions for doubles tennis are the same as those for singles tennis, with one exception: the width of the court is expanded to accommodate two players on each side. This means that the court is 36 feet wide instead of 27 feet.


The serve is also slightly different than in singles tennis. In doubles, each player serves for one game at a time, rather than one player serving for an entire set. The order of service is determined at the beginning of the match and then alternates between partners after each game.


The scoring system is the same as in singles tennis, but the terminology is slightly different. The server’s score is always announced first, followed by their partner’s score. So, for example, if the server’s score is 30 and their partner’s score is 15, the score would be announced as “30-15.”

Cross-Court Shots

One key difference between singles and doubles tennis is the use of cross-court shots. In doubles tennis, it’s often more effective to hit a cross-court shot rather than a shot down the line, as it can be more difficult for the opposing team to return.

Tips for Playing Doubles Tennis

Tips for Playing Doubles Tennis

Now that we’ve covered the rules of doubles tennis let’s take a look at some tips to help you improve your game.

Communication is Key

In doubles tennis, communication between partners is essential. You need to be able to communicate with your partner about who should take certain shots and where you plan to hit the ball. This can help you avoid confusion on the court and ensure that you’re both on the same page.

Work on Your Net Game

Having a strong net game can be a real asset. This means being able to hit volleys and half-volleys effectively and being comfortable moving to the net to intercept balls. If you’re not confident at the net, it’s worth spending some time practicing your volleys and working on your footwork.

Cover the Court

It’s important to cover as much of the court as possible. This means being able to move quickly and efficiently to get to the ball and anticipating where your opponents are likely to hit it. Make sure to communicate with your partner about who will cover which areas of the court, and be prepared to adjust your strategy based on the strengths and weaknesses of your opponents.

Serve Strategically

The serve can be a powerful weapon in doubles tennis, so it’s worth spending some time working on your serving technique. Try to vary your serves to keep your opponents guessing, and aim for the corners of the service box to make it more difficult for them to return the ball. It can also be effective to serve to the weaker player on the opposing team to put them under pressure.

How the Correct Positioning Can Improve Your Doubles Game

Correct Positioning Doubles Tennis Game

In doubles tennis, positioning is key. Knowing where to stand on the court can help you to anticipate your opponent’s shots, cover more ground, and make the most of your strengths as a team. In this section, we’ll take a look at some of the basic doubles tennis positioning rules and how they can help you to win more matches.

1. Cover Your Assigned Area of the Court

The first rule of doubles tennis positioning is to stay in your assigned area of the court. Each player is responsible for covering a specific portion of the court, either the forehand or backhand side.

This helps to prevent confusion and ensures that both players are able to cover the court effectively. When your partner is serving, you should position yourself near the service line, ready to move forward and take control of the net.

2. Keep Track of Your Opponents’ Positions

Another important rule is to stay aware of your opponents’ positioning and adjust your own accordingly. For example, if your opponents are both at the net, you may want to stay back and play a defensive game, trying to hit the ball past them or force them to make mistakes.

If one of your opponents is back at the baseline, you may want to move forward and try to dominate the net, taking advantage of your superior position.

3. Communicate Movement With Your Partner

It’s also important to communicate with your partner and work together to cover the court effectively. You should constantly be talking to each other, letting your partner know where you’re going and where you need them to cover.

This can help to prevent confusion and ensure that both players are able to cover the court effectively. Additionally, you should be aware of your partner’s strengths and weaknesses and adjust your positioning accordingly, taking advantage of their strengths and helping to cover for their weaknesses.

4. Strategize, Communicate, and Then Some

Overall, doubles tennis positioning is all about teamwork, communication, and strategy. By following these basic rules and working together effectively, you can give yourself the best chance of winning more matches and taking your doubles game to the next level.

With a bit of practice and dedication, you and your partner can become a formidable force on the doubles court and enjoy the thrill of victory.

Several Successful Doubles Players in the History of the Game

Doubles tennis has produced some of the most exciting and memorable moments in the history of the sport. Over the years, many players have distinguished themselves on the doubles court with their skill, teamwork, and sheer determination. In this post, we’ll take a look at some of the best doubles tennis players throughout the history of the game.

Mike Bryan and Bob Bryan

This pair is widely considered to be the greatest doubles team of all time. The twin brothers have won a staggering 16 Grand Slam doubles titles together, as well as numerous other tournaments and awards.

Their dynamic play style, incredible chemistry, and unwavering focus on the court have made them a formidable force to be reckoned with. Their success has inspired countless other doubles players and cemented their place in tennis history.

Martina Navratilova and Pam Shriver

Martina Navratilova and Pam Shriver formed one of the most dominant women’s doubles teams of all time. They won an incredible 21 Grand Slam doubles titles together, as well as numerous other tournaments and awards.

Their complementary playing styles, with Navratilova dominating at the net and Shriver excelling in the backcourt, made them a perfect match on the court. Their success paved the way for future generations of women’s doubles players and solidified their place as legends of the sport.

John McEnroe and Peter Fleming

The double of John McEnroe and Peter Fleming formed one of the most successful men’s doubles teams of all time. They won 7 Grand Slam doubles titles together, as well as numerous other tournaments and awards.

Their contrasting playing styles, with McEnroe’s finesse and Fleming’s power, made them a formidable duo on the court. Their success helped to popularize doubles tennis and inspire a new generation of doubles players.

Gigi Fernandez and Natasha Zvereva

This pair was a dominant force in women’s doubles tennis in the late 1980s and early 1990s. They won 14 Grand Slam doubles titles together, as well as numerous other tournaments and awards.

The sheer combination of power, speed, and precision on the court made them a fearsome duo to face. Their success paved the way for future generations of women’s doubles players and cemented their place in tennis history.

Todd Woodbridge and Mark Woodforde

Todd Woodbridge and Mark Woodforde formed one of the most successful men’s doubles teams in the 1990s. They won 11 Grand Slam doubles titles together, as well as numerous other tournaments and awards.

They had incredible chemistry and the ability to anticipate each other’s moves, which made them a tough team to beat. Their success helped to popularize doubles tennis and inspire a new generation of doubles players.

Frequently Asked Questions

tennis double faq

1. What are some basic doubles tennis strategies?

One of the most important strategies in doubles tennis is to work together as a team. Communication is key, and you should always be talking to your partner, letting them know where you’re going and where you need them to cover.

Additionally, you should be aware of your partner’s strengths and weaknesses and adjust your game accordingly.

2. What are some common doubles tennis positioning rules?

In doubles tennis, each player is responsible for covering a specific portion of the court, either the forehand or backhand side. You should also stay aware of your opponents’ positioning and adjust your own accordingly.
When your partner is serving, you should position yourself near the service line, ready to move forward and take control of the net.

3. Can I hit the ball after my partner has hit it in doubles tennis?

Yes, you can hit the ball after your partner has hit it. However, you should be careful not to touch the ball before it has crossed the net, as this will result in a fault.

4. What happens if a ball hits the net?

tennis ball hit the net in doubles

If a ball hits the net and lands in the correct service box, it is considered a let, and the serve is replayed. If the ball hits the net and lands outside of the correct service box, it is considered a fault.

5. Can I switch sides with my partner during a doubles tennis match?

Yes, you can switch sides with your partner during a changeover, which occurs every two games. However, you cannot switch sides during a game.

6. What are some standard doubles tennis etiquette rules?

In doubles tennis, it’s important to be respectful of your opponents and follow proper etiquette. This includes shaking hands before and after the match, calling out the score clearly, and waiting for your opponents to be ready before serving. Additionally, you should avoid distracting your opponents or making excessive noise during the match.

If you’re unsure how the scoring system works in singles and doubles, make sure to improve your knowledge by reading out blog posts for needed information.

By following these rules and tips, you can improve your doubles tennis game and enjoy more success on the court. Remember to work together as a team, communicate effectively, and always show respect for your opponents.


Doubles tennis can be a fun and challenging way to enjoy the sport, but it’s important to understand the rules and strategies involved. By following these tips and practicing regularly, you can improve your game and enjoy success on the court.

Remember to communicate effectively with your partner, work on your net game, cover the court, and serve strategically to give yourself the best chance of winning. With a bit of practice and teamwork, you’ll be able to take your doubles game to the next level and enjoy the thrill of victory.

Check out our article about tennis court dimensions & layout if you want to learn more about white sport and its basics. We update our content on a daily basis, so make sure to revisit our site and stay up to date with current happenings in the tennis world.